Strategi Content: Living Loving

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🔎 Bedah Content Marketing 🔍️ 

Ngulik-Ngulik Content Marketing Strategy dari brand lokal & Internasional!

Bisnisnya apaan?

Ngeliat dari About Us Page mereka, Living Loving ini started as a Home & Living blog founded by 2 orang Nike & Miranti.

I believe skrng udah transfrom into a media company yg provide services buat brand placement & content collaboration.

Cek their Work With Us page yak kalo mau tau lebih.

Contoh Strategi Content Marketing:

What caught my attention adalah their YouTube channel “Living Loving Net”, bahas soal Home and Living.

I discovered their channel 1 year back doing my house renovation.

The quality of their ideas + storytelling + mood di video mereka top notch banget!

My video recommendation (also the highest views video mereka) “Rumah 52m2 dengan taman Kecil

Go check it! 🎥 

Siapa target customers di konten ini?

Based on topik yg mereka angkat about hunian, I’d assume their target customers di konten ini adalah:

#1 Orang” lagi nyari ide buat make their house better. Renovation or just small tweak 💡 

#2 People who just enjoy topic about home & living 🪴 

#3 Companies / brands related to home living 🏚️ 

Customers Stage:  📣 Awareness 📣 

Apa benefits konten ke Customers & Bisnis?

Buat viewers: People get entertained by the content yg mereka buat. Orang ngerasa jadi lebih pinter with all the tips and inspiration yg mereka kasih.

Buat Living Loving: Since mereka very consistent doing it, this helps a lot bikin mereka jadi “Top of Mind” content buat hunian.

this could also open opportunities both dari sisi strategic but also business partnership.

Performance kontennya gimana?

Kita ambil contoh yg di atas ya: “Rumah 52m2 dengan taman Kecil”. Published 2 years back.

Views: 1M. Comments: Mngkin ada, tp for some reason di turned off.

Let’s take their recent videos deh: “MAIN KE RUMAH: MALIQ & D’Essentials Published 3 weeks ago.

Views: 45K. Comments: 50+

3 Hal yg Bisa kita “Curi” dari sini:

#1 Explore Topik yg General tp Anglenya Specific. Topik “Hunian” ini mayan umum, tp cara Living Loving bungkusnya mayan specific, kaya bikin category “Tiny Space” or “Lovely Nest

#2 Invest di quality production. Liat deh kualitas videonya Living Loving + Story Angle + Storytellingnya bagus banget!

#3 Beraniin coba experiment. Ngeliat dari playlist LivingLoving, banyak “category” yg mereka cobain. Jadi ini bisa di ATM’in juga nih.


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